Project Lead: Serena Huang
Number of participants: 20
Duration: 2 days
Project Outline:
The project will be exploring the idea of stage and staging with elements in theatre by observing everyday life, interacting with found objects, sound and writing. How the observe the theatrical moments in everyday life and how we can put elements of theatre together to stage a dramatic happening.
Day 1: Thursday 7th November:
Preparation: Each participant brings a pocket-sized object that they can introduce themselves
1.Introduction of the workshop (spontaneity, creativity, performativity, theatricality)
2.Each participant is given 30s-2min to introduce themselves through their object.
3.Introduction of props (with the concept of playing HOUSE)
a. How to use a found objects in a way that it is not designed for
b. How to use the same (set of) object(s) in different way- (functionality)
c. How to use the same (set of) object(s) in different way- (Choreographically)
4. Each participant is given 30s-3min to perform with the object they have.
(lunchtime: pay attention to the people’s conversation, their ways of speaking, words they use,
the repetition of everyday language)
5.Introduction of ways to generate script (with slides and examples/references)
a. Appropriating from everyday conversation
b. Collaging from existing plays
c. Repeating a single line from with different approach
6. Writing exercise:
a. Participants are given 1min to do write down whatever they can think of, it can be a word (s),
fragmented sentences, a paragraph etc.
b. Participants are given 5 min to develop their writing from the first writing exercise into a longer
piece of writing, with methods introduced earlier (or not)
c. Add performance direction to the writing, eg. [pause] [increase volume gradually ] [speak while
breathing heavily] etc.
d. Perform other people’s writing
Day 2: Friday 8th November:
1. Props hunting
2. In groups of 3-5, participants are encouraged to play/experiment with the found objects
3. During the experiment, take notes of what’s worth remaining and developing further.
4. Develop a complete performance (individually or in groups) with script developed in day1, with
assistance of lighting and sound.
5. A chat with each participant on their performance plan.
1. Perform with schedule, and hopefully all performances can come together and become one
After workshop 5:30 – 7.00 pm
Hang out & chat