Formed in 1999, DOCA has focused on promoting safer communities and reducing anti-social behaviour by improving the quality of life through the concept, application, sharing and practice of designing out crime and its principles. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). We are seeking to take this further, utilising a multidisciplinary approach to make safer, healthier communities.
Membership is open to anyone with a genuine interest in Design and its impact on safer communities. Our members are from all walks of life, professions practices; from home owners to landscape architect, police to town planners, architects to designers.
DOCA is seeking to promote research that builds upon the original principles of CPTED these are defined as:
Reducing the possibility, probability and harm from criminal and related events, and enhancing the quality of life through community safety; through the processes of planning and design of the environment; on a range of scales and types of place, from individual buildings and interiors to wider landscapes, neighbourhoods and cities; to produce designs that are ‘fit for purpose’, contextually appropriate in all other respects and not ‘vulnerability led’; whilst achieving a balance between the efficiency of avoiding crime problems before construction and the adaptability of tackling them through subsequent management and maintenance.