
“Funding awarded by LDoc’s student development fund facilitated attendance of the DCDC conference 2016. A high profile international conference; a unique experience to gain perspective and knowledge from archivists, librarians and institutes on a range of global and national topical issues within the heritage sectors. Many papers discuss themes directly related to research areas namely, creative use of archival materials, ethical concerns, engagement initiatives, working with marginalised historical and contemporary social narratives.
Presentations by two speakers particularly resonated – Dr Jenna Ashton, Creative Director for DWAN (Digital Women’s Archive North) discussing the organisations manifesto for feminist archiving and key note speaker Nicola Walker, Director of Library Services L.S.E discussing the importance of the acquisition of the Women’s Library by the university.
Post event contact was made with both speakers who were very responsive and supportive of the research subject area and have indicated interest in future collaboration.


Attending the DCDC conference has had significant impact on the development of my research helping me recognise the prevalence of female narratives which are so often at the core of the  social narratives I explore within in my work. Having made contact with archivists at the Women’s Library i have also identified a collection through which to focus a case study to establish and test my proposed illustration social research methodology.”