DCDC Conference and Networking
"Funding awarded by LDoc's student development fund facilitated attendance of the DCDC conference 2016. A high profile international conference; a unique experience to gain perspective and knowledge from archivists, librarians and institutes on a range of global and...
Disciplinary Encounters Beyond Design
This student-led conference and workshop will span disciplines for cross-disciplinary encounters from anthropology, science, service design and visual culture. Together we will explore how design is expanding its role through its encounters with other disciplines. We...
Presenting At The Emergent Culture Conference
"Presenting my early stage research at the Emergent Culture conference provided a good opportunity to test its relevance in a context outside of design. The cross-disciplinary nature of my research - a combination of experimental design perspectives from Information...
‘Design To Improve Life’ Workshop
"In these early stages of my research endeavour, I believe that I have learned the most valuable lesson to date, during the Across RCA, People-centred Design Workshop, led by the HHCD - “Design to Improve Life”. With my assigned cluster of fellow design students, I...
Designing Participation: Current approaches and future directions
A Cohort Development Fund (CDF) funded conference for LDoc researchers. Please email ldoc@rca.ac.uk for tickets and more information Read about the outcomes of the conference.
Political Imagination and the City
"In July 2016, the MAC-Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Bellas Artes in Santiago the Chile held the international conference ‘Political Imagination and the City’ organised by the FAU Universidad de Chile. As a result of extensive media coverage (REUNA Ciencia y...
The Creative Recovery Toolkit
The Creative Recovery Toolkit offers an intimate view into service users life-worlds through creative workshops. Completing the kit alongside traditional assessment/key-working techniques could help services to personalise recovery roadmaps and identify harmful...
Keynote Lecture: Zowie Broach – Thinking Material Practice
Design thinking necessarily leads to moments of collaboration, collision and opinion. Design thinking is discursive and challenging. This term's keynote lecturer is designer and head of fashion at the Royal College of Art Zowie Broach, co-founder of...
Developing new hybrid structures
My PhD research involves collaborating with UK manufacturers to explore how my textile knowledge and haptic skills using three-dimensional textiles techniques can be combined with materials investigation, nanotechnology and industrial manufacturing. The aim is to...
Biofabricate Conference New York and Harvard and MIT, Boston
During November, I received funding from the LDoc AHRC’s Student Development Fund (SDF) in order to attend the annual Biofabricate Conference, held this year at The New School: Parsons in New York. I am conducting a research-by- practice led PhD looking into growing...
Collectives in the Making: Design Research as Social Practice
Keynote Lecture Mon 7th November 2016 6.30pm Royal College of Art, South Kensington SW7 2EU Register at ldoc@rca.ac.uk carldisalvo.com
Parallel Narratives; Interpreting Vernacular Histories through Participatory Illustration Practice
This practice-based research seeks to establish narrative illustration as a transferable social research tool through which to explore sociocultural narratives. Here illustration practice is defined as a holistic process including a series of strategic research...